
Batiste Dry Shampoo

I used to wash my hair every day when I was a kid.  I was also kind of a daydreamer/shower-singer so there have definitely been times where muscle memory just kicked in and I'd shampoo twice.  Or three times, if I had a particularly good song going.

Then I went on this hideous trip where I had no access to a shower for five straight days.  I'm too traumatized to remember, but I think it involved several multikilometer portages.  I had a friend who was complaining about greasy hair...let me just remind you that as an everyday shampooer with oily skin and one could touch me when it came to greasy hair.  I argued as much and finally offered her my head to touch.  We're still friends and she has yet to ever touch my head again.

A couple years later, after not one, but two hyper-damaging perms, I finally got my hair act together. I went through a very difficult two-week phase of not washing my hair, and it changed my life.  And my hair.  First of all, did you know that your hair can get so dirty, it almost looks clean again?  It could be a direct result of no longer knowing what clean hair looks like, but I'm fairly certain that your hair has a fail-safe mechanism and cleans itself.  Ha.

Anyway, I've learned to stretch my shampooing routine to a few days; first day wash, second day heat style, third day dry shampoo, repeat as needed.  I've been a diehard follower of Klorane dry shampoo on Phil's recommendation, and I do love that one.  It really does take away that gross hair smell and replace it with something wonderful.  And it cleans your hair.

Then I had a twitter conversation with Rasilla, and she mentioned how great Batiste dry shampoo is.  $8.99 for a 200 ml can?  Impossible.  Then I tried it.

Holy mother of grease-fighting.

The Original* dry shampoo smells the best -- it smells fresh and soapy, exactly the way a shampoo should.  It left my hair feeling clean for a full 24 hours, which is impressive since I usually have to reapply after 10 - 12.  Blush* works exactly the same way as the original.  I can see a lot of people preferring this scent; it's floral, like a light cologne.  XXL Volume* has an extremely vanilla/caramel gourmand scent, and Dark & Deep Brown* smells like chocolate.

These all perform fairly similarly -- in the video, I show you how much volume the XXL gives me.  As for the Deep Dark, it's not quite as dark as my hair, but it definitely doesn't leave as much residue.  It's actually light enough to work for a lot of dirty blondes, but I imagine that the light version could act as a temporary root touch-up.  One thing I will say about the Dark & Deep Brown is that it didn't collect in white flakes at my roots.  After a full day of wearing the others, I'd scratch my head, and all the product would flake off.  It's less of a problem if you're blonde, but on my dark hair it got to be pretty noticeable and I'd have to wash my hair.

All in all, these are a freakin' steal.  They're readily available at Rexall, Pharmaplus, Shoppers Drug Mart, Sobeys, or online at -- $4.99/50 ml, $8.99/200 ml.

*PR Sample


  1. Hmm.. I always see this at shoppers but I'm super stingy when it comes to dry shampoo. Though, sometimes I use baby powder or cornstarch to absorb the oils from second day hair. Maybe I'll try this since I get really annoyed by the scent of baby powder :P

    1. I also use baby powder -- I think I posted about it! I love the scent of baby powder actually, but I do find that it's harder to get the white residue out of my hair.

  2. Batiste is probably my all time favourite beauty find! My hair is long and thick so I hate washing it. My favourite Batiste is the Fresh one which can be a bit hard to find. I find its the most effective one.

    1. I'm so happy I found this! Washing your hair can be such a chore -- I'll be on the lookout for the Fresh version! I think I've seen that at Winners too.

  3. I am also a die-hard Klorane fan here! *jumps up and down* I really have to struggle to keep myself from washing my hair everyday as my scalp tends to be so oily and I hate that feeling. I'm also thinking about trying the Suave one which I heard is very good as well.

    1. I didn't know Suave made a dry shampoo! I'm so wary about dry shampoos, since a lot of them leave my hair feeling even dirtier than before. I'll definitely still use Klorane, but it's nice to have options!

  4. Ok first of all, let me just say that this post was not that long AT ALL (but I guess when you're averaging at 900 words per post, anything under seems short :P ha!). Also, I hate to admit it but I wash my hair almost every day. Well, I did for all my life. Just recently, I've been trying to do better and am probably washing every other day (every 2 days on the VERY rare occasion). I have a very oily face AND scalp too so I just feel gross and dirty if not. It's strange though, I HAVE heard that if you don't wash your hair for long enough, it begins to feel almost clean again after a while. That's sooo weird! I want to try it...but then I really, really don't. :P I've tried dry shampoo too but I just can't seem to get on board. Most of the spray ones I've tried leave my hair feeling even nastier/greasier than before...not to mention they all seem to smell like a**. I do have a mini bottle of the Oscar Blandi one that smells like lemon--it's like putting Lysol on my head but I suppose it's better than most the other ones I've tried. I also find that when I try to use it, my hair still looks dirty and greasy unless I REALLY pile the stuff in there, which then leaves me looking like massively dandruff-ridden :/ I still hold out a little bit of hope that I will one day find the perfect one though, because I really really like the IDEA of dry shampoos. I want to try the Klorane one so bad! I wish it were more readily available here!!

    (as if it wasn't enough I have crazy long posts but now, I have to post crazy long comments too?!! *sigh*)

    1. Oh and also, just watched your video. Is that how your hair looks just on its own or have you blow-dried and/or styled?? Because it is super pretty and you have an INSANE amount of volume at the roots (I can see when you part your hair), so I don't know what you're talking about, miss "it's hard for me to get any kind of lift in my hair"!! :P haha No really though, do you have a hair styling routine that you could share? When I say that I have no lift in my hair, I really REALLY mean it. Flat as a pancake :( I'm terrible with hair and know nothing about it. HELP ME! :D

    2. Hahaha yayyy I'm glad you approve of the length!

      Here's my thing about dry shampoos: I've tried a bunch over the years in an effort to not wash my hair, but they always feel so gross and sticky that I'd end up washing it out -- it was completely destructive hair behaviour. It wasn't until I found baby powder (which got really hard to rub out of my hair, and it would build up and get gross) and Klorane (which is still the mother of all dry shampoos. Lighter than Batiste, but not as long-lasting).

      I tried the Oscar Blandi one and I wasn't a huge felt like hairspray that just kind of made my hair even flatter. I do love the smell of Lysol though -- my home doesn't feel clean without it! That and Vim =P

      I WISH my hair were that texture, I used a flatiron to make the curls. Most of my other videos have my natural texture, it's straight with the odd dent here and there. And I've been thinking about sharing the hair products I use so that'll go up at some point, and as soon as I get my laptop fixed (I'm currently on a very old, video-editing program-lacking laptop), I'll try to film a hair tutorial! This was second day hair, so there's a little gunk at the roots to help with the lift, as gross as that sounds LOL! Not washing every day really will help with the volume! In my other videos you can see how flat my hair gets.

      Honestly, I'm not great with hair, 99% of the time I just wing it. The other 1% I have something in mind, it doesn't work out, and I go with it, pretending that's what I meant to do all along =)

    3. Ok that's it: I definitely NEED to try the Klorane now!!

      And yay! Yes please for the hair tutorial! Your hair is just so dang bouncy and big, I think many others will want to see how you achieve such pretty hair too! use a hairdryer too (with product) or just use the flat iron? I have seen tutorials on Youtube for using a flat iron to curl hair but to be completely honest, the curls always turn out looking weird to me for some reason. Yours look so natural and perfect though! Definitely need to see how you do it!! :D

    4. Aw, you're far too kind about my hair! I dont usually blowdry beforehand, out of sheer laziness. In fact, the dirtier, less smooth your hair is, the better this works. Flatiron curls always look a little weird right after you finish doing them, but if you give them some time to settle (in my case, 2 - 3 hours), it looks much less awkward. I'll let you know when I start attempting to film!

  5. Glad you liked it :)

    Just a heads up that some of the Rexall's in the westend seem to be clearing out the Batiste Blush. Saw it on Dundas and at Wincott. It was $3.96 for the reg size bottle. So if anyone wants to try for $4, just take a peek in a Rexall store~

    1. I'm so tempted to purchase the entire remaining stock LOL. Thanks so much for introducing me to this brand!!

  6. Is it bad the part I remember most about this post is that you had TWO perms???!!! LOL!! I've had one in my life. Not a total disaster, but at the rate my hair grows I doubt I'll ever do it again. I've had the Klorane on my list for awhile, I just always forget to pick it up!! Need to check this one though!

    1. Not just TWO perms, two CONSECUTIVE perms. As in, 6 months apart. It was disgusting, and my hair ended up feeling like a wig. Definitely give this one a go, and if you find that it's too heavy, try Klorane!

  7. I wash my hair every day and I have these dry shampoos too! I think these are great for when my hair needs that extra bit of volume. These are so easy to use, and so affordable too. Great review :-)

  8. Of all the dry shampoos I've tried, Batiste remains my favorite. The darker my hair is, the harder it is to blend in (I have wavy hair - the type that you shouldn't brush once it's dry... instant frizz... but I know brushing with a natural bristle brush works for others).

    1. Have you tried the Dark one? That was pretty good in terms of colour. I also try not to brush my hair after dry shampoo, because I find it tends to take out all the volume and make it look greasy again.

  9. Great review! I'm a big fan of Baptiste too. I've tried quite a few others, which have been ok, but always come back to this stuff because it's so cheap and adds a nice amount of volume to my fine, flat hair.

    Really looking forward to your hair tutorial. I've attempted to create the pretty, loose waves you have in the video quite a few times, but it always goes horribly wrong. I either end up with hardly any curl at all, or really tight one's. I just can't seem to master curling with a flatiron at all.

    1. Since my hair is straight, I go for tighter curls and brush them out to death. After a few hours, they relax into what you see in the video!

  10. Dry shampoo sounds like a great idea. I wash my hair every other day, almost never dry nor curl it. I've never dye it either. But with my workout routine, every two days is long. This may be the solution. BTW, do you know any silicone-free hair conditioner? Natural fragrance is ok for me.

    1. Your hair must be so healthy! My hair is solidly 60% of the reason I don't work out -- if it looks pretty, sweat will not ruin it! Silicone-free hair conditioners...the only one I can recall is from a line called Curly Hair Solutions, they have a pretty big emphasis on silicone-free products.

      A quick google search also brought me to this awesomely comprehensive list

      Hope that helps!

  11. I love your blog! I would love it if you could check out my blog?:)x

  12. Ooo I'm going to have to try this! I also have extremely oily hair and scalp and have to wash my hair everyday. I've tried going 2 days and it's so disgusting. My hair clumps together and looks so greasy!

    I've only tried two dry shampoos so far - Tresemme and Osis+. So far, Osis+ does a pretty good job but on the pricey side. Tresemme was terrible - I think it made my hair feel even dirtier! I will have to head over to SDM or Rexall and find Batiste to try it out.

    On a side note, I spot a BMV sticker on your bookshelf! I LOVE that store when I lived in the area. I moved a couple years ago but every once in a while, I head down to Bloor and Spadina for a bite at Sushi on Bloor and a quick browse at BMV.

    I just recently discovered your blog and love it!

    1. I have a pretty oily scalp too, especially around the front/bang area. I haven't tried the Osis+ one, but I do like their styling products. I COMPLETELY agree with you about Tresemme, it was terrible!

      BMV is the happiest place in the world! A Sushi on Bloor and BMV make for the perfect summer day!

      Thanks for checking out my blog, I'm off to look at yours now!

  13. Finally a post on Batiste! THANK YOU!!! I've been wanting to try it for a while but haven't gotten the nerve. I've been using Cake - Satin Sugar for Darker Hues, from Sephora have you ever tried it?

    1. Get a travel-size one, that's much less of a commitment! I've never tried the Cake one, but it smells great! Do you like it?

  14. I have heard SO many good things about this dry shampoo that I am really starting to think it's time I gave it a try... :-) The one I have right now is by Syoss. It's okay, nothing more nothing less.

    1. I've never heard of that brand, but if you can find these, it's worth a try!

  15. Thank you!
    I think I might need to use a dry shampoo, my hair has been a mess lately x

  16. I love using Batiste and actually just bought a mini Blush one the other day :) Love the effect the volumising one has in your video and the scent sounds lovely! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, glad I came across your blog too! :) x

    1. I love the minis for throwing into my purse -- I'm obsessed with travel-size EVERYTHING. And you're so welcome, your blog is fantastic!

  17. The XXL Volume one is the first dry shampoo I own! It does dry my hair out a little too much for my liking though. I might grab the Klorane one next time instead! Also, I do dry shampoo the same way you do it! Glad to see I'm doing it right ;)

    1. It does dry it out, but I think that's why the clean feeling lasts much longer than with the Klorane one. And yay, dry-shampoo twins!

  18. I swear by batiste - it's a life saver for my oily scalp! xx

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