

Welcome to the rest of the year!

First, some resolutions:
- Floss
- Actually use that planner I bought
- drop that
- Keep chia, quinoa lemons, and kale in my kitchen at all times
I'm not quite ready to call these resolutions -- can we call the following aspirations?
- Figure out a fitness plan (no promises) and not die after walking up nine flights of stairs
- Get to 1000 Youtube subscribers this year?  Is that realistic? 
I'm really excited to be working on a few new changes to the blog (WATCH THIS SPACE), and to figure out YouTube, to make sure it lives peacefully alongside my blog and that they get along.  I'm also thinking about expanding out of beauty (which I've kiiiiiinda-sorta-barely done in the past couple of months) and giving myself more room to include everything I enjoy in my life, not just skin care and makeup.

Skin care though. You'll always be my first love.


  1. Happy new year! They're all realistic goals and aspirations I think. And yes to expanding your horizons. It's always fun to read something else :-)

  2. You may as well have written this on my behalf. We're akin.
    Good luck with all of the above!


  3. Happy new year, girl! You can definitely do this! Hope you're having fun in New York!

    1. Thanks girl, it's SO COLD, but it's definitely fun :-)

  4. Sound like some wonderful plans to me! So great to meet you this year, Jenn. All the very best in 2015! xo


  5. Happy new year! I hope you do achieve those goals! Am I the only one that flosses everyday though? :P

    Ling | The Cosmetic Critic

  6. Happy New Year!! I bought a calendar planner thingy too and want to use it! I need to organize my life. Also joining a gym! I miss the gym. And want me to tell you to floss every day LOL? I do it every day and DUDE it'll change your life hahaha!

    1. Ahahaha YES PLEASE -- definitely taking you up on that. And I've heard that but how does it change your life?!

      You are going to kick that calendar and the gym's butts.

  7. Can't wait for more videos!! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Julie! Can't wait to see how #bbloggersca grows :-)

  8. Happy new year! Out of everything you listed, flossing sounds like the hardest to me haha. It just suuuucks but good luck!

  9. Happy new year! I'm excited to see the changes you'll be making!

    blush and simplicity

    1. Thanks Vicky! It's been great getting to know you this year :-)

  10. ugh youtube. I need to make similar resolutions as i've totally let my channel die these last few months (i have valid reasons, i swear). Also, nine flights of stairs make me die too. But i just signed up for pure barre!! So we'll see how that goes

    1. Oooh barre sounds so fun but I'm a little afraid of it

  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Unpopular opinion, but I really like flossing, because you see, if I don't floss for a few days, stinky buildup happens ._. (TMI? Probably)
    I've also been thinking about dropping the 'blogspot', but its also kinda a commitment. "DO I LOVE THIS BLOG ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY THE DOMAIN PURCHASE? DO I SEE MYSELF BLOGGING FOR X NUMBER OF YEARS?"

    Also, SWEET, MORE LIFESTYLE POSTS (because you know I love your general taste in aesthetics)

    1. Hahaha I've been doing it for so long but I think having something to push me forward will help me take it more seriously.

      Urgh I need to floss -- just had a cleaning and the hygienist was like, need to start.
