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Wardrobe Staple: Opaque Black Tights

I have a few rules when it comes to buying black tights.

1) They must be 100% opaque and flat black.  None of this sheer gloss business.

2) They can't make me itchy.  Scratching in public is embarrassing, but scratching anywhere tights-related?

3) They can't do that supremely awkward thing where the control top ends up between your knees, leaving you -- the wearer -- to helplessly perform lunges while pulling up at the waistband to make sure they don't become MC Hammer tights.

Calvin Klein Ultra Opaque Hosiery in 120 Denier, I will never be without you.  Not only do they completely satisfy the above three conditions, the tops are ultra-controlling and create a completely smooth, svelte silhouette under all clothes.

Layer under pants in the winter for an extra layer of warmth or under your favourite summer outfit to make it fall-appropriate. These typically run $20/pair at full retail, so I always stock up on 2-packs at the Calvin Klein outlets.

Edit: These legs belong to Tod.  She has much better core strength than I do.


  1. NICE LEGS! We're the opposite! I like sheerer ones ;) I love Wolford. I blame my bestie for getting me hooked on these (they don't come cheap!), but they are great quality and they last. I try to get mine from the outlet, too.

    1. OMG I'm too afraid to try Wolford in case I never have money again after trying them.

  2. LOL at number 3. So true! And yes to OPAQUE black tights :-)

  3. These are amazing!!! #3 is so true. "Oh don't mind me I just need to get my lunges in for the day." I have to seek this out when it gets really cold here. I just got one from Winners, which are TERRIBLE and are going back. Do you think I can find this at The Bay, too?

    1. Yes! I do think they sell them there, just double check the weight, 80 denier is NOT the same at all.

  4. Speaking of lunges... let me tell you a story. I was in Chicago and we were on our way out to dinner. by the time we got to the station my tights were slowly falling down my legs. So i lunged the ENTIRE way to dinner... then I went CVS and bought more tights.

    1. That is my worst nightmare. Now picture doing that under a down coat.

  5. LEGS LEGS LEGS ;) (but seriously loving the lines in these photos)(If I had to pose for those photos, that would be all the exercise for the day. Kudos to Tod, man)
    Sheer black tights are nonsense. GIVE ME MATTE AND OPAQUE OR GO HOME. I have a pair of black tights I really love, but they go MC hammer on me and though it is uncomfortable, at least it's covered by the lower dress/skirt hemline??

    1. But like, ...what if you're wearing something shorter than knee length? I'm always like, oh god, CAN THEY SEE??

  6. hahah (at core strenght). ..yea i need to get a few more black tights...mine are always in some straight of almost running or sort of gross looking but i never actually buy any new ones!. i'l have to look out for these at winners.

    A Beautiful Zen

    1. I think they have them sometimes, haven't seen them in a whole though! I can usually get through a year with these before something bad happens to them.

  7. I have never been a fan of tights, well I was living in a tropical country in the past so it gets uncomfortable. I think I need to invest in some soon, especially now that I am living in Canada. LOL!

    Reflection of Sanity

  8. those are insanely dark tights!! ahhh...but yes, dark>sheer for sure. I mean whats the point in the winter if they are sheer? I feel like I'm not then I have to shave...haha

    Do we have a CK Outlet here??

    and nice legs tod!


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